Answer: The contract contains a subsequent condition
A subsequent condition is defined as something that ends something else. In the legal context, this means that it ends legal obligations or rights. In the case of Don, if he finds a new job out of state his contract should be discharged since he will not be present to use it. In these cases, the subsequent condition is present since, although Don's condition was not to move out of the state for a new job, if he finds it, he must leave since he will not be there to go to the gym and will be paying for a service that not using.
Although it is true that contracts that are carried out legally have their conditions and must be taken to the letter, there are exceptions where, depending on the nature of a situation, it cannot be fulfilled.
Childless middle-aged adults become generative as mentors in the workplace, community volunteers, or in family relationships.
Childless elderly persons lack a crucial social support network created by children. This is the reason why childless people<span> are presumed to fare less well at older ages than parents.</span>
Freud and his contemporaries viewed conversion symptoms as the result of:
C. the transfer of psychic energy attached to repressed emotions or memories to physical symptoms.
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was an Austrian neurologist and the father of psychoanalysis.
According to Freud and other specialists, conversion symptoms are physical symptoms unrelated to any diseases. For example, someone seems to have lost the ability to use his right hand. After undergoing examination and tests, nothing wrong is found, at least physically speaking. Freud believed that that symptom was indicative of repressed feelings or memories, as if the body were manifesting something trapped in that person's unconscious mind.
<span>The Night of the Long Knives, in June 1934, saw the wiping out of the SA’s leadership and others who had angered Hitler in the recent past in Nazi Germany. After this date, the SS lead by Heinrich Himmler was to become far more powerful in Nazi Germany.</span>
<span>For all the power the Enabling Act gave Hitler, he still felt threatened by some in the Nazi Party. He was also worried that the regular army had not given an oath of allegiance. Hitler knew that the army hierarchy held him in disdain as he was ‘only ‘ a corporal in their eyes. The Night of the Long Knives not only removed the SA leaders but also got Hitler the army’s oath that he so needed</span>
Respuesta: Debemos eligir de forma responsable nuestro gobierno escolar porque serán las autoridades que verán por los intereses de la institución educativa y sus estudiantes, por lo que deben ser fieles a los valores y principios que profese dicha institución.