Alliteration is when you have a sentence in which most of the words in a sentence start with the same letter
Example: Peter Piper Picked A Peck Of Pickled Peppers<span />
In the book I'm reading, the main character has friends but she still has her own little world where she can be mean sometime.
She is nice on the outside but mean on the inside. If that makes any sense to anyone.
Fredrick Douglass wrote his own account of life in which he mentioned about the ills of slavery and about the hardships which the slaves had to undergo. He had tried to expose the cruelty of slavery which doesn't spare anyone born in a black family. He points out the idea that a slave is a form of property owned by the master and he possesses full control over him. Douglass fought for equal rights given to the Blacks to vote. He also wanted equal rights for women including the White women to vote and wanted fair public education granted to everyone.
dense means stupid, as does foolish