The correct answer is acupuncture. Acupuncture is defined as a technique by which practitioners use by means of using needles by which they made use of it in inserting in certain parts of the body of an individual as they also practice in stimulating specific points of the body of the individual as a part of this technique.
Helen is using <em>personal appeal</em>.
<u>Personal appeal</u><u> is an influence tactic used by one individual to persuade another individual to take or not to take a certain action, in particular. </u>
Here, Helen is <em>appealing</em> to a personal fact, which bonds JP and Helen. By saying that they are friends since the first grade, Helen hopes to persuade JP into deciding that their friendship is more important than the act of theft. Perhaps, even that they might stop being friends if JP reports on her.
A personal appeal can be a very effective influence tactic if used smartly.
Palestinians ** not however u spelled it
<span>Unlike a lytic infection, a lysogenic infection
requires a virus to insert its nucleic acid into a host cell’s DNA. The answer
is letter A. Once it is inserted, the normal DNA replicates along with the host
DNA. The normal DNA will become inactive and thus permitting the host DNA to
continue it normal process.</span>