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-Abundance of natural resources
-Ties with England
-Location near bodies of water
-Fertile soils for crops
Urbanization: this is the process by which the population or urban areas increases, usually because people move out to the cities form rural areas.
Metropolitan area: an admnistrative divison consisting in a city, and its sorrounding areas.
Suburb: the area sorrounding a city that has a lower population density than the urban core, but a higher population density than a rural area.
The relationship between these three variables is very close. Urbanization is what drives the growth of both urban cores and suburbs, and a metropolitan area emerges when a city and its suburbs grow enough that they require a new special administrative division in order to coordinate local policies.
In simple terms, chlorophyll makes a leaf look green because it reflects only green light.
Answering in a more detailed fashion, chlorophyll is a pigment. As a pigment it absorbs some wavelengths of visible light, (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet are the colors of visible light), while reflecting others. In specific, chlorophyll absorbs all other colors of light but green, which it reflects. It is this reflection of green light that cause a leaf to appear green.
Helena, a great place too.