An effective team leader shows great skills in every area, shows great support and respect to his teammates and is very easy to get along with.
apt-get can be used to manually install a package, without need to manually install all the dependencies for the package.
Answers in explanation. Try to ask one question at a time, it is easier for people to answer single questions and you will get answers faster.
15. A
16. D
17. B + C
18. A+B+D
19. B+C+D
**20. is NOT Planned personal leave for documentation developers and proof readers. The other 4 answers are correct
21. Presentation notes + Outline
23.D (im not entirely sure about this one)
2 is tha answer to Why should cloud computing not be a set of silos? Provide real or made up examples of why incompatible solutions will fail in IT.?
The following code is written in Java and creates all of the methods that were requested in the question. There is no main method in any of these classes so they will have to be called from the main method and call one of the objects created method for the code to be tested. (I have tested it and it is working perfectly.)
class Point {
private int x, y;
public void Point(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public double distance (Point other) {
double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((other.x - this.x), 2) + Math.pow((other.y - this.y), 2));
return distance;
public int quadrant() {
if (this.x > 0 && this.y > 0) {
return 1;
} else if (this.x < 0 && this.y > 0) {
return 2;
} else if (this.x < 0 && this.y < 0) {
return 3;
} else if (this.x > 0 && this.y < 0) {
return 4;
} else {
return 0;
class Name {
String firstName, lastName;
char middleInitial;
public String getNormalOrder() {
String fullName = firstName + " " + middleInitial + " " + lastName;
return fullName;
public String getReverseOrder() {
String fullName = lastName + ", " + firstName + " " + middleInitial;
return fullName;