Americas and Oceania were similar in the way that first they both could developed experienced agricultural practices. Second, they could have their own distinct architecture, art and some other cultural characteristics with any influence from the outside. Third, some external groups sustained their nomadic hunter.-gathering lifestyle. And finally, both of them faced dangers of overpopulation and exposed of diseases they had never been exposed to. They both were different just because they developed large sophisticated societies in isolation merely.
By finding ways to make them self dependent and familiar with modern developments.
well if you find out then don't forget to tell me as well please ಠ‿ಠ
Celluloid the first systetic plastic.
1. One important result of industrialization and immigration was the growth of cities, a process known as urbanization.
2. Urbanization refers to the population shift from rural to urban areas, the decrease in the proportion of people living in rural areas, and the ways in which societies adapt to this change.
3. Even though the Industrial Revolution produced harsh conditions for workers, child labor, and an increase in the cost of living it proved to have raised living standards in the 18th and 19th century due to increase in wages, technological advancements, and an increase in life expectancy and it allowed economies to thrive.
4. They offered operating flexibility in the short term, to route around fires and other temporary street obstructions, and in the long term, to be shifted easily into new areas needing service.