A mechanical computer
Created from gears and levers
Production function: In simple words, production function refers to the functional relationship between the quantity of a good produced (output) and factors of production (inputs).
Production function: In simple words, production function refers to the functional relationship between the quantity of a good produced (output) and factors of production (inputs).
FDI: A foreign direct investment is an investment in the form of a controlling ownership in a business in one country by an entity based in another country.
- Singapore has encouraged foreign firms to establish subsidiaries within its borders, especially in the electronics industry.
- Singapore has the fourth-largest amount of FDI in the world.
- What has happened to the rental rate and the wage?
- Find in the attachment a table which shows much of this.
- The annual growth rate in rental rates for the 1970-1990 period using the production function and marginal product was -5%.
def analyze_text(sentence):
count = 0
e_count = 0
for s in sentence:
s = s.lower()
if s.isalpha():
count += 1
if s == "e":
e_count += 1
return "The text contains " + str(count) + " alphabetic characters, of which " + str(e_count) + " (" + str(e_count*100/count) + "%) are ‘e’."
Create a function called analyze_text takes a string, sentence
Initialize the count and e_count variables as 0
Create a for loop that iterates through the sentence
Inside the loop, convert all letters to lowercase using lower() function. Check each character. If a character is a letter, increment the count by 1. If a character is "e", increment the e_count by 1.
Return the count and e_count in required format
I. The class methods and instance methods of one class may call the public class methods of another class using dot notation and referencing the name of the other class.
Private methods are being accessed from only within the class or scope specified. No other means of accessibility is possible, and even through inheritance. And instance methods can never call without using dot notation, any of the class method of the same class. Hence second and third options are not correct. And the class method and the instance methods of one class may call the public class methods of another class using the dot notation and referencing the name of the other class. Hence, the correct option is the first one.