B- Distributor
They are distributors because they are the main ones who are supplying the store with their company's product.
Ursula's therapist is asking her to limit a destructive game in which she practices in their relationship is the naming game or naming the game. It is a game where it focuses on trying to manipulate another in a way of making them vulnerable in order to get what the person wants. It could be seen above as Ursula tries to manipulate her partner by telling them to know what she wants since they love her or to prove that they love her.
B. special effects
In the 19th century, there were no computers of special camera to effect special effects, it is a 20th century development. Special effects was not influenced by 19th century visual culture. On the contrary, tableaux of key dramatic moments, indoor lighting systems, painted sets and props, participation of famous stage actors are part of 19th century visual culture that had an influence on the staging of early films.