Temporal isolation , behavioral isolation, and geographical isolation I hope I answered your question if not please try searching up or using further sources
Food, shelter, water, are some things a squirrel will need to survive
This is an example of scope creep.
In project management, scope creep signifies the changes, uncontrolled or continuous growth in the scope of a project, at any time after the initiation of the project. This can take place when the project's scope is not adequately documented, defined, or monitored.
The main reasons for scope creep are poor requirements analysis, underestimating the complexity of the project, not involving users early enough, and lack of change control. Thus, the given case is an illustration of scope creep.
The Julia butterfly (or dryas iulia) isn't trying to cheer up the turtle, it is actually a symbiotic relationship between the two creatures. The butterflies undertake the process of lachryphagy, or 'tear feeding' as a way of gaining much needed nutrition.
viruses are at the borderline of living and non-living organinsms outside the body of living host they are non-active and they cannot grow without their host