No, it's not real I just report them because when u go to the link it's nothing on it
Answer the age at which one is legally competent to give consent especially to marriage or to sexual intercourse.
- There will be E. coli along with bacteria from your mouth on the plate.
- Microorganisms are in the air transiently so there could be growth from contaminants in the air.
There are many microorganisms around us and in our body, some microorganisms are present in the air, being carried everywhere by the wind. Our mouth is also charged with microorganism, so we can conclude that if you want to sneeze the moment you are inoculating an E. coli, it is ideal that you cover the terror so as not to contaminate the inoculation, but if you cannot cover the spiro, the inoculum plate will be contaminated with microorganisms with microorganisms from its mouth, which will grow along with E. coli. Another thing that will happen is that some airborne microorganisms will be carried to the dish that will result in the growth of contaminants in the air.
The answer is - AnaI stage
Sigmund Freud is the founder of psychoanalysis. He developed the Psychosexual theory of development which proposes that the psychological development of a child occurs during each psychosexual stages which include; Oral, AnaI, Phallic, Latency and Genital, and that these stages are related each to a different physical center of pleasure.
During this stage, the child derives pleasure in defecating as the pleasure is now focused on the anus. The child's ego is now developed and they are now aware of their own rights. They can also be stubborn and tight-fisted and controlling with their possessions. As the child grows they might get stuck at this stage of development if not looked into.