This question is in my stored notes read below
Pancreas is an exocrine gland as it has a duct to store pancreatic juice secreted by the pancreas and use it whenever required. It is considered as a endocrine gland as it does not have a duct to store the hormones insulin and glucagon which are directly supplied to the blood stream.
Autoinducer molecules are signalling molecules that need bacteria. In order for the autoinducer molecules to signal, the bacteria must find a way to initiate the signal and a way to respond to the signal it had created. Autoinducer molecules increase in production as the density of the bacteria cell increases.
The answer ahould bbe A: cuz the sound wave itself has no defend to water and travel!!
ask a question and predict what the outcome will be
when using the scientific method you always have to ask a question and make a hypothesis
Began in the water
first evolved around 3500 million years ago
began as single celled organisms