A shop that sells one type of thing
2) Set the price of each piece of furniture equal to the marginal cost of producing it.
What happens in two-part tariff is that the producer recovers the entire cost of producing by charging price equal to the marginal cost.
This helps him recover cost and the entire fee the producer charges results in profits eventually. Hence, the profits is the consumer 'surplus' that we calculate given that the price of product is equal to marginal cost.
So answer here is 2- Set the price of each piece of furniture equal to the marginal cost of producing it.
Answer: will increase but this will not affect living standards
GDP is sometimes called an incomplete measure because there are certain measures that it does not include such as the black market.
If firms in the black market shift to the formal sector, they will now be included in GDP which means that GDP will increase.
The living standards of people in the country will probably not change however because the firms involved were simply shifting sectors and are not said to be more or less prosperous as a result. Assuming they remained the same, nothing changes for living standards.
I don't know the first one but will do the rest I know.
2. The digestive system is responsible for taking the whole foods and turning them into energy and nutrients to allow the body function, grow and repair it self.
3. the secretary system in humans consist mainly of the kidney and bladder. the kidney is involved.
4. dissection is the act of dismembering of the body of a deceased animal or plant to study it's anatomical structure. and it is important in science cause it allows student see, touch, and explore the various organs.
5. blood cell. their main job or major job is to carry oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues and carbon dioxide as a waste product. and they are important because they transport oxygen to the body's tissue on exchange for carbon dioxide.
I don't know the last one maybe someone else can answer.
the military is the solution