Convection, you are heating the air around your hands.
Angiosperms have seeds with an 3n endosperm due to double fertilization.
- Double fertilization is found only in flowering plants.
- In angiosperms, the female gametophyte does not grow after reaching eight nucleate stage.
- After fertilization and triple fusion, the zygote and primary endosperm are created and further growth of embryo sac continues.
- Triple fusion is the fusion of two haploid polar nuclei of female gametophyte and one male nuclei. This results in a 3n nucleus.
- The developing embryo obtains nutrition from the endosperm.
- If fertilization fails no endosperm is formed.
In an adversarial system, the winning side is likely to be the one with the most skilled attorney.
If you have a skillful attorney on your side during a trial, chances are you are going to win the case. A skilled attorney has experienced a lot of similar cases and will know what to do and say in order to win the trial and present you with successful results.
I think it should be D. A loss in biodiversity due to catastrophic event.
Any drug sold in the supermarkets, convenient stores etc without prescriptions are called OTC-medication or over the counter drugs.
They are the group of drugs commonly abused by young adults. Recommendation by National Institute on Drug Abuse is that , any use of drug not related to medical purpose, but for mind-altering effects or arousal is regarded as an abuse. No doubt these drugs are obtained over the counter because they are very easy to get, very cheap and legalized by law to buy, thus easily accessible.
They drugs are high in contents which produces psychoactive effects when imbibed in over dose, and some may have damaging effects on the kidney and liver.
Other effects on the body physiology includes headaches, vomiting, nausea, seizures, tremors. etc.