The statements are listed below.
<em>(A) Functional requirement </em>
- Functional specifications refer to the handling of calls.
- Minimum call number should be 3000, and a functional requirement.
<em>(B) Non-functional requirement</em>
- Non-functional requirement is the default option.
- Payment in "Visa" is required and this is not a functional requirement.
<em>(C) Data requirements</em>
- Data requirements apply to quantity of order.
- When the quantity of data exceeds then an exception should be notified
<em>(D) Business requirements. </em>
- Product reviews are subject to business requirements.
- common = []
- num1 = 8
- num2 = 24
- for i in range(1, num1 + 1):
- if(num1 % i == 0 and num2 % i == 0):
- common.append(i)
- print(common)
The solution is written in Python 3.
Firstly create a common list to hold a list of the common factor between 8 and 24 (Line 1).
Create two variables num1, and num2 and set 8 and 24 as their values, respectively (Line 3 - 4).
Create a for loop to traverse through the number from 1 to 8 and use modulus operator to check if num1 and num2 are divisible by current i value. If so the remainder of both num1%i and num2%i will be zero and the if block will run to append the current i value to common list (Line 6-8).
After the loop, print the common list and we shall get [1, 2, 4, 8]
Answer: Registers
Registers are small storage locations identified by different types of registers. The function of the register is to provide data for immediate processing to the CPU. These registers hold data temporarily and provide easy access of data to the processor.