The option that you’re looking for is the Insert Tab.
Slide elements generally refer to the objects that you can put inside a slide in most presentation programs. This includes elements such as shapes, texts, pictures, videos, and even audio files. The Insert Tab can generally be accessed on the toolbar pinned to the top of your presentation program.
Full question:
Assume you are using the text's array-based queue and have just instantiated a queue of capacity 10. You enqueue 5 elements and then deque 2 elements. Which indices of the internal array elements hold the remaining elements? a) 0 to 2 b) 7 to 9 c) 2 to 4 d) 1 to 3
Answer and Explanation:
If you instantiate a capacity of 10 for the queue, you have the queue a capacity of not more than 10 values.
To enqueue means to add an element to the array(if it's not full, n<10)
To dequeue means to delete an element from the array or queue(if n! =0)
From the question, for example:
We create a queue of capacity 10:
Queue q(10);
We add elements/enqueue 5 elements to the queue :
If we print this out:
q. queueDisplay()
We would get:
10, 5, 8, 9, 2
We remove elements/dequeue 2 elements from the queue :
q. queuedequeue();
q. queuedequeue();
We print it out:
q. queueDisplay()
8 ,9, 2
We observe that deletion/dequeue starts from the front/first index.
We are left with indices 2, 3, 4 or 2 to 4
Note: the above methods/ functions and objects used are merely for example purposes. The queue uses a floating front design approach.
It preloads the apps and softwares that you use most into thr memory so that they can boot up faster.But it consumes more ram.
Its the exact definition of an undecidable problem. Plus I have my notebook open next to me and that's what it says, trust bro.
The second factor as it did not make travel easy at all