Even though slavery was abolished, that did not mean the white people would stop treating the black people with a lack of respect. Thus lead to segregation some years later, and then resulted in the civil right movement.
Sahel-the ecoclimatic and biogeographic realms transition in Africa between Sahara to the north’s s the Sudanian savanna to the south.
I’m sure it’s Sahel
Michel de Motaigne had the intentions of becoming a politician, which was the primary motive of him writing the essays. He claimed that the intention of him writing the essay is to reflect "some traits of my character and of my humours." His writings are considered to be a pivotal version of skepticism and has also taken inspiration from ancient Greek, Latin and Italian texts. However sources claim that these essays are the brain children of deep introspection conducted by him.
This is the wrong subject buddy
The correct answer should be <span>raise security and protect citizens against terrorists.
The patriot act, for example, made it possible to initiate wars if there is suspicion that foreign governments are hiding terrorists. </span>