Multiply what he makes a month by six
The kind of word that is pronoun in bold letters is "Subject".
In Example
We get our paychecks on Friday, and I always need mine.
There We and I are subjects.
Option A: print("The total is %0.5f" % total)
To ensure the value is rounded to a precision of 5 digits, we have to create a formatted string which is %0.5f. The <em>.5</em> denotes five decimal places and <em>f </em>refers to float data type.
Next, we use the <em>%</em> operator again and followed with the variable <em>total</em>. The % is used as a string modulo operator that will interpolate the value held by the the variable <em>total </em>in the formatted string that we create previously. The interpolated value will be rounded to 5 decimal places. For example, if
total = 256.786789
The output will be 256.78679
Tier 1 ISPs exchanges traffic with other tier 1 internet traffic
providers and are the backbone of the internet. They do not provide traffic to
end users but provide internet to other ISPs. Tier 3 is the last mile provider who delivers
internet access to homes and businesses.