As we know Feudalism was the way of life in the Middle Ages.
<span>The manor house was the foundation of the feudal economic system.</span>
Imperialism - Nations competed for more land, colonies and raw materials. Great Britain and Germany competed industrially, which led to these nations needing more raw materials. Also, Austria-Hungary controlling the Slavic land of Bosnia, which Serbia believed belonged to them.
Nationalism - Nationalism was very strong in both Germany and France. Germany controlled the territory known as Alsace-Lorraine, which they gained from France after the Franco-Prussian War. France wanted that land back.
Alliances - Secret alliances were formed prior to the outbreak of the war. After the Assassination of Franz Ferdinand the Archduke of Austria-Hungary the alliance systems went into effect leading to many nations protecting one another (i.e. Russia protecting Serbia from Austria-Hungary).
The Hoover quote shows that his approach to the Great Depression is one of no hope. Hoover tried to implement a couple federal works projects (like the Hoover Dam) to kick start the economy. This limited government role is thanks to Hoover's belief in laissez faire economics, which revolves around the idea that government should be involved as little as possible in the economy. With this in mind, it is easy to understand why Hoover does not give direct financial assistance to American citizens.
FDR, on the other hand, believed that the government should help in times of crisis. FDR uses this concept and develops the "New Deal." This "New Deal" is a policy in which the federal government creates several different agencies and programs to help American citizens recover from the Great Depression. This "can do"attitude reflects his determination and ties into the aforementioned quote.
The Marshall Plan, or European Recovery Program, was an American initiative to help rebuild the economy of Western Europe after World War II. It was determined that the aid should stress “the raising of European production and consumption through the economic and functional integration of Europe” (Maier, 1991, p. 9).
The main reason why the Spanish built the St. Augustine fort in Florida was "to protect their sea route to the Caribbean" since this was a crucial port for many engaged in trade within the Caribbean.