The study of chemical reactions of living this is called biochemistry.
The organism which is least similar to the other animals is the blue whale. This is because it belongs to the order cetacea while the other animals belong to the order carnivora. This means that the other animals are carnivorous in their mode of feeding but blue whale is not.
In terms of chemistry, saturated fats contain the maximum number or greatest amount of Hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to both the end and internal or middle carbons. Thus, there are no carbon to carbon double and or single bonds present.
Unsaturated fats though do have at least a minimum of 1 carbon to carbon double and or triple bond for the inverse or opposite explanation of what was mentioned, that it does not have the maximum number of hydrogen atoms within the internal and or external carbon atoms in the structure of the organic compound.
Distance between corresponding points 2 consecutive waves
DNA is deoxyribose nucleic acid. It is a double helical structure. It remains in the coiled form so as to make the information stored in the small region within the cell. The sequence of bases allows the information to be stored in the coded form so as to promote the synthesis of proteins. Complementary base pairing allows the DNA molecule to replicate itself.