4H— Arma biotecnologíca altamente efectiva para la protección del medio ambiente 1V— Ámbito donde la biotecnología Y las técnicas de bioingeniería Han encontrado un eco de mayor resonancia. 2V—-
increasing extension time
The Polymerase Chain Reaction is a technique widely used in molecular biology laboratories to amplify target DNA regions. The standard steps of a PCR are as follow 1-denaturation, 2-annealing and 3-elongation/extension. These steps are repeated 15-40 times in order to exponentially amplify the linear DNA fragment. It is well known that longer extension times can be used as a strategy to increase the yield of longer PCR products. This is because the extension time depends on the synthesis rate of the DNA polymerase used in PCR technique and the length of the DNA fragment to be amplified.
An experiment where an antibiotic is tested against bacteria. The antibiotic can vary in its concentration for example, different amounts are applied to a sample of bacteria to see if it is affected by the action of the antibiotic and if so, in what concentration. So, the independent variable is the concentration of antibiotic while the dependent variable is the survival (or not) of the bacteria.
An independent variable is a variable that represents a quantity that the scientist modifies in an experiment. A dependent variable represents a quantity whose value depends on how the independent variable is modified. This is the variable being studied and measured.
So, an example of this applied to bacteria or viruses could be:
<u>An experiment where an antibiotic is tested against bacteria</u>. The antibiotic can vary in its concentration, different amounts are applied to a sample of bacteria to see if it is affected by the action of the antibiotic and if so, in what concentration. So, the independent variable is the concentration of antibiotic while the dependent variable is the survival (or not) of the bacteria.
To complete the experiment, an antibiotic whose effect is already known can be used as a positive control. That is, it is already known to kill the bacteria. And as a negative control you can simply use water, which has no effect and is known not to kill the bacteria. In this way, we validate the results and make sure that there is not something else that is affecting the bacteria and that only the antibiotic being studied has an influence.
B is the correct answer. I got it right.
A mutation can allow a organism to adapt to the environment and example can be the case of the peppered moth which has two variations a white colored one and a black colored one. The white colored ones were able to survive better that the darker ones because of how they were able to camouflage with the lichen located in the trees. However, after a while smoke particles that were released by industries darkened the trunk of the trees making the white moths visible and allowing the darker colored ones to survive. Another example can be on how organism can be resistant to bacteria this allows the animal to survive and reproduce offspring with the same mutation. I hope this helps...