gasoline money and cars there for this is the right answer
i took the test
Germany was to mainly be a superpower, grow in economical and land, and destroying the communist.
Italy was to build a modern day roman empire and capturing the old land of the Roman empire
Japans reason was to capture the dutch east indies and to make a Asian empire
C. Railroads connected cities and markets from coast to coast,
making it easier for new immigrants to migrate between shifting
employment opportunities
The battle of the Atlantic was the naval warfare in the Atlantic Ocean between the German Kriegsmarine and the Allies' navies. The German Kriegsmarine had two categories: the Unterseefloat, which contained U-Boats (a type of German submarine), and the HochSeeFleet which contained the Capital ships, cruisers, and destroyers. The U-Boats were the main danger, as many Allied convoys had no escorts at the beginning of the war. The HochSeeFleet lost its pride, the Bismarck, on its maiden voyage, and never saw the success the Submarines did. Eventually, the battle of the Atlantic was won because of Germany's neglection of the navy, focusing all of it's resources to the land wars. Special sonar technology eventually made U-Boats much less scary, as they could be detected.
Bold is why the Allies won.
The Beer Hall Putsch was inspired by Mussolini's 'March on Rome'.