The answer is people, as this is one of the sculptural
replicas that have been made by Edward Kienholz’s in the beanery. He was able
to make beautiful sculptures and replicas that could also depict aspects in the
life of the modern world.
The correct answer is ''Translocation.''
Translocation is a chromosomal abnormality that is due to a change in position of a chromosomal segment to another non-homologous chromosome of the same nucleus or to another part of it. It is produced by the exchange of segments between two chromosomes without loss of genetic material is called reciprocal or balanced translocation, when it gives rise to monocentric chromosomes.Translocations can be detected cytologically because the structural heterozygote forms a quadrivalent (4-chromosome association) in meiotic prophase. Sometimes they can also be detected by changes in the size of the chromosomes if the exchanged segments are of different lengths.
The process of gene cloning involve multiple steps. It involves many enzymes, bacterial cell, vector to produced an amplified number of cell and hence product.
The gene of interest is find and then it is carried into the bacterial cell by the help of vector.
The vector is then carried to get incorporated into the bacterial cell. In this way the bacterial cell starts replicating and the and the desired product is produced in high amount.
Lettuce, strawberries, peppers, corn, squash