B). Chocolate is now a sweet treat that is very popular in the United States.
The second statement most aptly relates the two given facts. It <u>states that chocolate has now become a sweet treat(implies that 'it wasn't sweet treat earlier despite being there since ancient times') and has become quite popular as reflected by huge consumption of '3 billion pounds' every year</u>. Thus, the second option amalgamates the two facts and displays that how the latter has led to former and how the former led to bring change in the latter by making it a popular sweet treat in the United States. Therefore, <u>option B</u> is the correct answer.
Венера (/ ˈviːnəs /, классическая латынь: / ˈwɛnʊs /; родительный падеж Veneris / ˈwɛnɛrɪs /) [a] - римская богиня, в функции которой входили любовь, красота, желание, секс, плодородие, процветание и победа. В римской мифологии она была предком римлян через своего сына Энея, который пережил падение Трои и бежал в Италию. Юлий Цезарь объявил ее своим предком. Венера была центральным элементом многих религиозных праздников и почиталась в римской религии под многочисленными культовыми титулами.
Nucleus is the cell structure contains informations needed for protein synthesis