B is the correct answer.
In looking for common ground, it is likely that both the Principal and the teacher could agree that students deserve the best resources and conditions to promote learning.
They might then disagree on what appropriate conditions look like but they can both agree that students deserve the best resources and conditions.
"He is going to be playing on a soccer team when he is feeling better."
Sickle celll disease is considered as an inherited group of ailments, in which red blood cells contort into a sickle shape. Thus, as the cells wither early, it leaves a deficiency of healthy red blood cells (sickle cell anaemia) and can obstruct flow of blood resulting in pain (sickle cell crisis).
Therefore, Sickle Cell Carrier may participate in sports for leisure, it is however not advisable to play competitive sports like basketball because they need to avoid conditions like overexertion, overheating, dehydration, or chilling, that has the tendency to set off a life-threatening crisis.
The word ject comes from the latin root meaning to throw
The Spanish and french wanted to find a route to westward Asia