This is a sad poem, But its really good did you make this because its amazaing
Book titles are Underlined if you are writing them by hand. However, underlining is no longer used unless your instructor specifically asked you. If you are typing, you italicize the book titles instead.
You recognise your ability to accomplish goals. You're optimistic about the future as you set goals and achieve them. Deep down inside, you know you can do anything. You treat yourself kindly.
The correct answer is; Because of British oppression, Americans should understand the plight of slaves.
Further Explanation:
In an excerpt from the letter Mr. Banneker mentions how Americans were mistreated by the British Crown and how Americans fought for their freedom. He was writing the letter so that he could appeal to Thomas Jefferson's own life lessons he had lived through with the British.
There was nothing in the letter about people being of different religions and he did not speak about how more people learning will make them oppose slavery any more than they already did.
Benjamin Banneker was a freed slave who went on to become an author, farmer, and many other things in his lifetime. He self taught himself how to read and write.
Learn more about slavery at
Locke argued that perhaps the life, freedom or assets of no one would have been protected in a natural state and there will be no state or rules to protect them. That's why citizens have chosen to form governments.
Locke claims that an individual must use the authority to crush in the natural state to protect his culture, which is humanity as a whole. However, the right to prosecute is to be exercised for the advantage of his own individual culture since states are created.