Answer: Well actually the Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." "Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.
Have a blessed day mam/sir. ;)
The excerpt is important in a sense that, it develops the idea that the speaker feels like an outsider with the other boys.
Answer: Option D.
‘How I Learned English’ is a poem written by Gregory Djanikian where he have used first person point of view in his writing to give the readers idea about the thoughts and feelings of the central character.
The excerpt provides gives us an idea that how the speaker is feeling indifferent from the rest of the boys. The setting here is about the rising action, it describes how the speaker is engaged with other boys, but despite that he feels like an outsider.
i would say the scent coming off of the dollhouse paint and when the author describes it as a slab of tofee
The subgenre of the given poem is BALLAD.
Danny Reever is a poem by Rudyard Kipling. In 1890, it was one of the first of the Barrack-Room ballads. It is about a British soldier who is being executed in India. The execution was in full view of his regiment. The poem is composed of the remarks made by the spectators as they watch the soldier being hanged.
When they hear something worthwhile and hang onto it forever.
An explanation isn't needed for this statement.