griculture and trade dominated Roman economic fortunes, only supplemented by small scale industrial production.
Federal government possesses the power to do those things
John Calvin believed that politics and religion should not be separated. Whereas Martin Luther believed that politics and religion should be absolutely separate.
Caligula’s grandmother Antonia managed to shield him from these intrigues until Sejunus’ death in 31. The next year, Caligula moved in with the aging Tiberius, who gleefully indulged his great-nephew’s worst habits, commenting that he was “nursing a viper in Rome’s bosom.”
Tiberius adopted Caligula and made him and his cousin Gemellus equal heirs to the empire. When the emperor died in 37, Caligula’s Praetorian ally Marco arranged for Caligula to be proclaimed sole emperor. A year later, Caligula would order both Marco and Gemellus put to death