c. Winchester Model 1873
doesn't exactly need an explanation does it?
The period in the late 19th century that restored Imperial Rule in Japan is known as the Meiji Restoration this happened in 1868. Although Emperor Meiji was not the first Imperial rule of Japan his ascension to the throne clearly placed political power under the protection of the Emperor. This period lasted from 1868 until 1912 and led to the modernization of Japan and laid the groundwork for the modern Japanese state of today.
Are volcanic landscapes useful for humans? Can human beings get any benefit from them? Justify your answer.
Volcanoes can provide people with many benefits such as: volcanic rock and ash provide fertile land which results in a higher crop yield for farmers. tourists are attracted to the volcano, which increases money to the local economy. ... minerals are contained in lava, eg diamonds - these can be mined to make money.