Fossils show evidence of descent with modification
It is a typical Hfr mating, as trp gene is very closed to F plasmid, the Hfr bacteria donates its trp gene along with F plasmid and then process is disturbed.
The external coverings of diatoms are made up of frustule which contains chloroplasts. Chloroplast is a organelle that has chlorophyll pigment that captures light energy from the sun and utilize it for photosynthesis. Slime molds comes under category of fungi. Their cell wall is made up of cellulose. They undergo spore formation, their spore sac get rupture as cellulosic layer is light and releases spores which settles on the decaying plant matter.
Both will contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency of biotechnology.
Restriction enzymes will aid in differentiating the difference in gene sequence in humans. This will be critical in many aspect from recognizing and finding a cure for a disease to imprisoning a criminal or setting them free.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) will mostly add to the efficiency of biotechnology, by helping to amplify copies of DNA sequences.