A federal court will be scrutinizing one of the Nsa (National Security Agency’s) worst spying programs on Monday. The case has the potential to restore crucial privacy protections for the millions of Americans who use the internet to communicate with family, friends, and others overseas.
Marthin Luther - posted Ninety-Five theses on a church door.
John Calvin - is French theologian in Geneva, Switzerland
John Foxe - The Book of Martyrs
Patrick Hamilton - martyr of the Scottish reformation.
Peter Martyr Vermigli - martry Italian Reformer
Marthin Luther - in 1517 and posted Ninety-Five theses on a church door in Germany enumerating various critiques of the Catholic Church, notably those concerning indulgences.
John Calvin - (1509-1564) is French theologian notably known for his theory of predestination, and credited to have founded a theocracy in Geneva, Switzerland.
John Foxe - (1516 -1587) is widely known for his book titled The Book of Martyrs, which gives an account of various individuals who suffered for the cause of Protestantism. He is otherwise known as a Preacher.
Patrick Hamilton - popularly known as a first preacher and considered as a martyr of the Scottish reformation.
Peter Martyr Vermigli ( 1499 – 1562) - known for his Eucharist doctrines, is an Italian religious reformer. His early work, influenced many Italians to convert in accordance to his doctrines.
The original meaning of the word philosophy comes froms the greek roots philo meaning "Love" and sophos, or "Wisdom".
in Britain turnpike trusts were generally succesful in increasing road maintenance and investment.On average they spent 10 and 20 times more than the parishes they replaced.Most trusts purchased land and materials in order to widen their roads and improve the surface.
yeah now you gotta pay sadly
its wack but lowkey pretty cheap