D. Changed to a question, exclamation or command.
It's important to be clear that 'statement', 'question', 'command' and 'exclamation' are defined as sentence patterns which means that they are defined grammatically. A statement is defined, ned as having a structure in which there is typically a Subject, followed by a verb and then a further unit such as a Direct Object.
Exclamations are short utterances that you make when you are very surprised or upset. They are not always whole sentences. Sometimes they are more like a noise than a word. In this case, they are called interjections.
Command sentences ordinarily, but not always, begin with an imperative (fussy) verb because they tell someone to do something. Examples: - " Stop talk! " shouted the teacher. - " Catch the ball! " screamed the crowd.
last one
it puts the unneccesary information in the commas correctly
hope this helps <3
In the crucible the reverend Parris tells Danforth that Abigail has run off.
Coming up with as many ideas as possible is the correct answer because if you only jot down ideas sure to be useful then you can't explore different opportunities. A is also wrong because if you avoid suggestions you may not be able to progress.