This is a riddle in a math test.
What do you call it when 50 people stand on a wooden dock? PIER PRESSURE
Other riddles in this test include:
On what should you watch monster movies? A BIG SCREAM TV
How can you make VARNISH disappear? Take out the "R"
see below
Step-by-step explanation:
First of all, you want to find the data set the matches the extreme values of 5 and 35. That eliminates the 2nd and 4th choices.
Then you want to find the data set that has a median of 15. The first data set has a middle value (median) of 20, so that choice is eliminated.
The data set of the 3rd choice matches the box plot extremes, median, and quartile values.
Code:!#@$% Means there is a "Cuss word for adults to say"
That is to difficult for my my g
The width and height of the tv as well as the length and width of the back of your car