The deeper the water the less sunlight therefore there is a lower temperature.
For example, the temperature of the ocean water varies with depth. Sunlight is reflected in the upper surface or rapidly absorbed with depth. Cold water is denser and heavier than warm water that is why the deeper you descend the. Older it gets.
It is a nucleic acid. It is found in DNA. It is used to build an organism’s structures. It allows parents and their young to have similar characteristics.
Cartilage would be your answer.
lose more heat to the environment in cold environments
This is because as an animal have large surface area, it is exposed largely and prone to loss of heat. The larger the size of an animal, the larger the surface area and volume. It's surface area expose the tendency for the animal to sweat alot , through sweating heat is loss to the environment. In cold environment, the animal try to maintain internal homeostasis and through this heat is generated and loss to the environment.