it paved the way for western style economic and political devolpment
It is the president who represents the nation and creates policies. The article deals with the formation of the executive branch.
South Carolina joined the Confederacy on April 3rd 1861, they believed the union was going against their constitutional rights, and they didn’t want to be controlled by the government.
Issac Newton is a idol he has made several accomplishments that did not get recognized until it was proven in later day. But he was a idol that discovered the laws of motion and how motion works. He has wrote several books some are: <em>'Opticks', 'De mundi systemate'</em>, <em>'Observations upon the prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John', </em>are some of the following books he wrote. I want to meet him if he were still alive to ask him how he got his ideas about the laws of motion. Although he is most recognized as a scientist he is also a world renowned mathematician he also was the one who discovered about polynomials. Newton is a very smart man that can teach me a lot of things and it would be cool to understand why he choose to study the subjects that he once did! I would like to meet Isaac Newton not because of how smart he is but because Isaac is so knowledgeable he could teach me a lot. That is why I want to meet Isaac Newton.
I think the failure of great society programs to achieve their goals.