Hitler left the stadium before the medals were awarded. The 100 meter race was the first of Owens' four medals. It shocked Hitler: his Aryan supremacy myth was in tatters. The only thing worse that could have happened was a Jew winning that first race. He likely didn't want to shake Owens' hand.
Actually Owens was not scheduled to race in the 400 meter relay. It came about only because the American Olympic Committee didn't want to cause an international uproar by allowing 2 Jews to run in the 400. So they replaced both with Owens and Metcalf (who took home a slug of metals himself).
I'm not sure if it is still on Netflix, but a docudrama of the event was made called RACE.
c)free-soilers and slavery advocates
excuse me but what is the question
This is both true and false the United States is a federal constitutional presidential republic. It is a joining of fifty smaller subject republic's known as states, they and the federal government imitate the Roman res publica style of government which is a further advancement of the Greek style. However the United States elects everyone in a similar manner by direct popular vote. This is the case with Governors, Representatives and Senators for the State legislatures and the United States Congress. The president is elected in a combination of the two. The populous votes for the person who they want to be president. After each state tallies its majority vote that States electoral college votes go to the winner of the majority in that state. It is very rare that a president wins both the electoral college and the popular votes. The electoral college decides the next president not the popular despite both being integrally connected to each other. This system ensures that States with a larger population cannot control the executive branch of the United States.
The US and Soviet Union continued to reduce their stocks of nuclear weapons.
Détente is a term which means release of tension in French. It was applied to a time frame of improved US-Soviet relations that started provisionally in 1971 and important improvements were made when President Nixon leader of Soviet Union Leonid I. Brezhnev, in Moscow. He traveled to the Soviet Union in May 1972 and signed agreements incorporating the outcomes of the first Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I) talks, and new efforts to expand further weapons control and arms control initiatives were begun. Both nations hope to benefit if trade could boost and the risk of nuclear warfare diminished.