The most important factor is considering the tuition. A lot of students experience problems regarding expensive student loans and gradually being in debt after school. To prevent this, keep you pool within your financial capability. Then, the basic information comes next, like the courses offered and the quality of education and training.
Part 1
Revised depreciation expense = $32,000
Part 2
The entry to record depreciation expense :
Debit : Depreciation Expense $32,000
Credit : Accumulated Depreciation $32,000
Straight line method charges a fixed depreciation charge over the year of use of an asset.
<em>Depreciation expense = (Cost - Salvage Value) ÷ Estimated Useful Life</em>
Depreciation expense = $80,000
Old Depreciation expense = $80,000
New Depreciation expense = Depreciable Amount ÷ Remaining Useful Life
= ($240,000 - $80,000) ÷ 5
= $32,000
A. Innovator
Adopter categories divides consumers into segments based on their willingness to try out a new ideas or product.
There are five groups of adopters:
1. Innovators: Cameron belongs to this group. Innovators are people who adopt new ideas because they are new. They are the first category of people to try out new things.
2. Early adopters: Unlike innovators, these group of consumers are concerned about their reputation in the society. They don't just purchase a product because it is new.
3.Early majority: These group of consumers purchase a product based on the satisfaction or benefits they will get from buying it.
4. Late majority: They are the fourth group to adapt to a product. They are consumers who takes more precautions before buying a new product. They always rely on confirmation from others before they adopt new ideas.
5. Laggards: The fifth and last grout to accept new ideas. They accept new ideas when being coerced to or they see everyone around them has adopted the new idea.
These consider many variables simultaneously and weight these according to a scheme that mirrors societal perceptions. It is a rating scale made up of several items, each of which is a separate question or statement that must be evaluated. Subjects will be able to explain their feelings about many aspects of their professions using a multi-item measure.
This will considerably increase the measure's precision and validity. As a result, multi-item measures are among the most essential and widely utilized tools in social research. Multiple-item scales are intended to sample a broader range of interpretations in order to capture the entire spectrum of a construct.
To learn more about multi-item, click here.
Particulars Amount Calculations
Direct materials $7.00
Handling $2.80 ($3,500/5,000*4 parts)
Assembling $9.60 ($12,000/5,000*4 parts)
Packaging <u>$18.40 </u> ($5,750/1,250*4 parts)
Total manufacturing cost per chair <u>$37.80</u>