Hello! For ease of calculations, we can identify the time it took for the weight to bounce back to the other direction, then the other, and then back to its original position by looking at the time it took for the weight to change from 0 to 25 to 0 to -25 then back to 0. This is one whole cycle of the weight.
By the time the weight first reached zero, 1.5 seconds has passed. By the third time it got to zero again, 7.5 seconds has passed. Therefore, one whole cycle of the weight is 7.5-1.5 = 6.0 seconds.
ANSWER: One whole cycle of the weight took 6 seconds.
rational function is the correct answer
The dimensions of the given rectangular box are:</h3><h3>
L = 15.874 cm , B = 15.874 cm , H = 7.8937 cm</h3>
Step-by-step explanation:
Let us assume that the dimension of the square base = S x S
Let us assume the height of the rectangular base = H
So, the total area of the open rectangular box
= Area of the base + 4 x ( Area of the adjacent faces)
= S x S + 4 ( S x H) = S² + 4 SH ..... (1)
Also, Area of the box = S x S x H = S²H
⇒ S²H = 2000
Substituting the value of H in (1), we get:
Now, to minimize the area put :
Putting the value of S = 15.874 cm in the value of H , we get:
Hence, the dimensions of the given rectangular box are:
L = 15.874 cm
B = 15.874 cm
H = 7.8937 cm
C because I did the math on an app so it’s right
9.5 inches
Step-by-step explanation:
The relationship is presumed to be ...
(first week's growth) + (second week's growth) = (growth in two weeks)
(first week's growth) + 3.43 inches = 12.93 inches . . . . . fill in the numbers
Subtract 3.43 from both sides of the equation:
first week's growth = 12.93 inches - 3.43 inches
first week's growth = 9.50 inches
The plant grew 9.50 inches in the first week.