In his letter to the Philippians Paul introduces himself and Timothy as “servants of Christ Jesus.” That this was a truly apt title is correct, but we will learn in this lesson why it was not one of Paul’s more common ways of designating himself in a greeting. We will also see why he uncharacteristically includes Timothy with himself under the title “servants of Christ Jesus.” Further, most people run right past the greetings in the New Testament letters and it is our hope that after this study that you will see how integral they are to the content of the rest of the letter; they introduce themes that are developed later and, therefore, we ought to diligently reflect upon them. Finally, there simply is not space enough to comment on everything, but we hope that what is said will be helpful to you in understanding the letter to the Philippians and living out the truths you uncover.
<h2><em></em><em><u>I would appreciate brainliest!</u></em></h2><h3 />
In his letter to the Philippians Paul introduces himself and Timothy as “servants of Christ Jesus.” That this was a truly apt title is correct, but we will learn in this lesson why it was not one of Paul's more common ways of designating himself in a greeting.
It was never said that He was free of all germs, it says that He was free of all sins. Also, Jesus wasn't concieved like babies usually would be. Mary just became pregnant without having $exual intercourse. It was the Lords Will that she carries Him (Jesus), claiming that Joseph was the earthly father even though they didn't share the same DNA