Not to be concerned as long as the diet as a whole provides average amounts
Consumer: a person or thing that eats or uses something.
Producer: an organism that produces. (makes) its own food.
Hope that helps buddy :)
1.) Achodroplasia is a autosomal dominant disorder, the suspected case suggested that inorder for the parents to produce and offspring with achondroplasia. One parents must have a single mutant gene of achodroplasia to be inherited by his offspring. for this case, It is suggested that the offspring might have developed its own mutant gene as it only affect 1 in 25,000 birth. There is changes of genes during early development.
2.) The mother said that they don't have that history of disorder. again, it's autosomal dominant disorder. one parents must have that kind of disorder so their child can also inherit it. Thus, no of the childs parents is a carrier.
Neither matter or energy is created or destroyed, it is simply reused.
Tibialis anterior.
Tibialis anterior is the muscle of lower limb that originates from the upper two-third of lateral surface of tibia and attaches the heel (calcaneous ) via heel cord and plantar.
When the knee is extended, this muscle results in flexing of the foot .
This injury also functions in keeping the balance of the body when we are standing or even when we are walking.