Nepal uses many people 2/3 the population in agricultural production and they need machines so that the workforce can do other things. They use it for subsistence, most of the country is rural and there is high poverty. This is their main source of employment and food. This does not allow for growth in other areas or money for modernization. They fully rely on the weather for growth of plants. Modern practices are needed and a cash crop to export is needed for the capital to keep up. The government should fund larger farmers and encourage smaller farmers to team up to share crop. They should also provide machines, roads, storage, and education on modern practices in order to get started.
The answer is "variable-ratio schedule".
In operant conditioning, a variable-ratio plan refers to a calendar of fortification where a reaction is strengthened after an eccentric number of reactions. This timetable makes an enduring, high rate of reacting. Betting and lottery diversions are great cases of a reward in view of a variable ratio schedule.
In this letter to “Friends and Citizens,” Washington warned that the forces of geographical sectionalism, political factionalism, and interference by foreign powers in the nation's domestic affairs threatened the stability of the Republic.
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Members of the congregation (churchgoers) are given a candle upon entering the church. They then proceed to walk abound the church with the lit candle in their hands. Since Ethiopians still follow the Julian calendar, their Christmas celebrations take place on January 7th.