Diffusion is one form of passive transport that doesn't require the expenditure of cellular energy. A molecule can diffuse passively through the cell membrane if it's lipid-soluble, uncharged, and very small, or if a carrier molecule can assist it. ... The assisted process is known as facilitated diffusion.
Got this off google but still hope it helps :)
DNA has the bases of A,T,C, and G.
RNA has the bases of A,U,C, and G.
the T base in DNA is 'Changed' into the base U
More negatively charge than the outside.
By tar, I think you mean nicotine. (I Hope). It affects the nerve signals that regulate breathing.
A hypothesis is uneducated guess guess, or A guess you make before not knowing anything about the topic. The theory is A educated guess . Siri you would already know information about the topic and then putting your input