Anabolism is for the synthesis of complex molecules essential in the building up of organs and tissues. It is therefore responsible for the increase in body size. Examples of anabolism are bone growth and mineralization, and muscle mass build-up.
I believe it would be an observation
Observation in scientific process refers to gathering facts and information. In this particular context, we could see that the microbiologist is simply stating what he/she saw on the mold on the agar plate. The microbiologist simply writing down all the facts without making any explanation or assumption.
1) Improve the stability and bioavailability of functional nutrients during storage and digestion;
2) Control the fixed-point and timing release of the embedded substance;
3) Improve food texture.
Yes, it was.
The data did support the hypothesis because the data given was generalized on the change of light each plant received. The hypothesis was that the plant light would have the greatest amount of growth. The data was the different light types and the hypothesis was which one he inferred would work best.