<span>What important question do the various research techniques lack the ability to answer? Did consumers purchase the product because of viewing the producers ads?</span>
<span>Besides asking, where did you find out about us, it is very hard for a research team to use techniques to find out if they viewed the companies ad's before making the purchase. It's hard to know if they saw and actually watched the commercial on T.V. or if they read about it in the magazine on purpose.
It is called social reproduction.
It changes the way we eat, sleep, work, and also it changes how we communicate. In the newer generation people now use technology for ordering food instead of making it, sleeping on beds that can now change temperature and softness, working isn't necessary anymore because people use website on the Internet to get work done instead of going in the offices, and back then people used hawk mailers but but now we have laptops, cellphones, ect. We have become lazy to society and the exonomy.
Dopaminergic activity means "working on dopamine", related to dopamine. It increases the level of dopamine in brain in reaction to a stimulus. The adrenaline rush in the blood excites the pleasure received by the cells.
Various brain imaging studies show that an increased dopamine in the neuron when a heterosexual man looks at a picture of attractive women is due to the signals sent into the brain that increases the level of dopamine. It is a reaction of body to pleasure and a comfort received by the neuro-cells. It is also noted when they receive money as it also excites a stimulus reaction in the body. Thus, increasing the level of dopamine in the brain.