C. Binary can be used to represent more complex, higher level abstractions, including but not limited to numbers, characters, and colors. D. When data is large enough computers switch to using decimal representation instead of binary, because you can represent larger numbers with fewer digits
I am definitely sure that complete statement looks like this: According to social penetration theory, the breadth dimension concerns the number of topics disclosed whereas the depth dimension concerns the level of detail in topics disclosed. <span>Social penetration theory explains the differences between various levels of </span><span>interpersonal communication</span> in relation to the depth of interpersonal relationships.
The OC level is primarily used as a regional ISP backbone, and occasionally by very large hospitals, universities, or other major enterprises is <u>OC-48.</u>
<h3>What is the greatest amount of throughput provided by an OC 12?</h3>
OC-12 is a network line with communication speeds of up to 622.08 Mbit/s (payload: 601.344 Mbit/s; overhead: 20.736 Mbit/s). OC-12 lines are generally used by ISPs as wide area network (WAN) connections.
<h3>When using frame relay What is the appellation of the identifier?</h3>
A data-link connection identifier (DLCI) determines the Frame Relay PVC. Frames are routed through one or more virtual circuits determined by DLCIs.
Each DLCI has a permanently configured switching path to a particular destination
To learn more about OC level , refer
The code is given below
hours = int(input("Enter time in hour: "))
minutes = int(input("Enter time in minute: "))
total time = (hours * 60) + (minutes + 15
total hours = int(total minutes / 60)
minutes = total hours/ 60
print("Hours: " + str(hours))
print("Minutes: " + str(minutes))
i am not sure but I think it is lan