Planning is important before choosing a profession because of truly understand if you want to go into that profession and if where ever your living makes good income in that region or if they even have that we’re you are living
"Humanism" <span>is a perspective within psychology that emphasizes the potential for good that is innate to all humans.
Humanism is a viewpoint inside psychology that accentuates the potential for good that is inborn to all people. Two of the most understood advocates of humanistic psychology are Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. Abraham Maslow was an American therapist who is best known for proposing an order of human needs in rousing conduct.
The characteristics of Nepalese family are: The Nepalese family shares sympathy, help, co-operation, love and respect, justice, democratic values and religious beliefs. The Nepalese family gives love affection, care, attention and production to the children, adults and disables in the family.