A. Je suis plus grande que toi.
Gabrielle is telling Marguerite that she’s taller than her, and in french because we assume that Gabrielle is a girl we add an “e” to the end of grand(e) to make it féminin. If it’s a boy we say grand.
Hope that helps :)
1. On s'est brossée les dents.
2.Tu t'es brossé les cheveux.
3. Mlle Desbiens s'est douchée.
INTRODUCTION This is an electronic message from Martine Dubar, of the EURECHANGES agency, which invites you to submit your application to be welcomed into a French-speaking family in Europe
The color of a basketball is pretty much orange. It's spelled the same way in French but not said the same way. I use any source of translation to help me