Chinese New Year is the most important holiday in China. ... Tied to the Chinese lunar calendar, the holiday was traditionally a time to honor household and heavenly deities as well as ancestors. It was also a time to bring family together for feasting.
Easy. Republicans. Great question! My favorite topic!
I choose the republican party for many reasons. First of all republicans don’t want to raise your taxes. They are big believers in political assimilation as a country and a wall to keep out the dreaded illegal immigrants. The other side, the radical lefts, control the mass media outlets. Whether it is Twit.ter,, CNN, MSNBC, and many more, they all incorporate fear to make the republican party look bad. This includes Trump. They make smears and lies for the sole purpose of trying to convince that Joe Biden is better in this year's election. Joe Biden has not done anything in his nearly 50 years of the political business. He and Kamala Harris does exactly what the media tells him to do, even if it so far-fetched. Though Donald Trump has some crazy tweets occasionally, Joe Biden isn’t much better. I wouldn’t call hunkering down in his little Delaware home beneficial either. Joe Biden and the democrats makes all these promises to the people, but it is all lies. Nowadays, Trump spends half of his day responding to these quips from the hateful left. The democrats tend to call people “racist” and they support BLM. Don’t get me wrong, ALL lives matter, including blacks, but BLM is a fascist organization. There is scientific proof behind it. In addition, when Republicans prove Donald Trump’s innocence or do something good for society, Democrats won’t even bother reporting it because it is not on their agenda to make them look good. I cannot choose your political party for you unfortunately, but if you just follow Trump more closely, you will see what I mean. If you get a chance, Rush Limbaugh is my favorite conservative. He only speaks the truth and If he is ever wrong, (which is slim to none because nobody is perfect) he immediately corrects it and spends 10 minutes apologizing. Democrats don’t seem to understand that Republicans are only doing what is best for the American people. Most people believe all those media sources because the technology is our everyday lives. Nearly every single news reporting station on TV or online is democrat run. Don’t listen to the backstabbers, fearmongering, hateful, people who do it for the money and fame. Listen to the people who actually care and will do it for nothing. Go Trump 2020!
Sorry, this was so long. Once I started, I couldn’t stop! Hopefully this helps your shape of view mate! I don’t need brainliest on this one, I was happy to help!
Carbon dioxide emissions will increase in the next century and global temperatures will rise.
This is based off of global warming information. I hope this helps!
I believe the answer is: Changes in speed
Average people tend to become more focus and accelerate our effort when we're on the brink of finishing a certain goal.
So in the scenario above, when a sudden tense/increased movement happen in our body the researchers could perceive it as we're on the brink of finishing an action.