A common sized income statement is a method of financial statement that express every line item on a financial statement as a percentage of sale for the ease of financial analysis
Tannenhill's % Industry average
Revenue 2,480,000 100 100%
Cost of Goods 1,587,200 64 70
Gross profit 892,800 36 30
Selling expenses 545600 22 17
Admin expenses 198400 8 7
Total ope. Expe. 744000 30 24
Ope. Income 148600 6 6
Other Revenue 49600 2 2
198400 8 8
Other Expenses 24800 1 1
PBIT 173600 7 7
Income Tax 74400 3 5
Net Income 99200 4 2
A competitive price-searcher market is a market where there are low entry or exit barriers, and the suppliers can determine the price of their products. Some economists believe that this type of market is inefficient because the suppliers are not able to sell enough output in order to minimize their average costs. Since the demand is very elastic in price searcher markets, any price change will cause a drastic change in the quantity demanded.
Price searcher markets share a lot of similarities with perfect competition markets, the main difference is that suppliers and consumers are not price takers. This means that any supplier can change their sales output by changing their price, which leads to greater competition.
Dividing customers into different categories and offering different prices based on customer segments is the pricing strategy known as Price discrimination.
Demographic, psychographic, behavioral, and geographic segmentation are considered to be the four main types of market segmentation, but there are many other strategies that can be used, including different variations of the four main types. there is. Below are some methods you might want to consider further.
Customer segmentation is the process of dividing customers into groups based on common characteristics so that companies can effectively and appropriately market to each group. B2B marketing allows companies to segment their customers based on many factors, including industry.
Learn more about customer segments at
Net pay is how much you made in a year after taxes YTD Net pay is how much you've made from January to the last day of the pay period before taxes