see below
Collateral refers to a valuable asset that a borrower offers to a lending institution to guarantee that they will repay the requested loan. Usually, collateral has a higher value than the loan amount. Collateral reduces the risk to the lender, which translates to lower interest rates.
Examples of assets that Pedro can use as collateral include.
1. Motor Vehicles
2. Properties such as land and Buildings
3. Machinery and equipment
4. Inventory
The main source of income for the Federal Reserve System is interested in US government assets that the Federal Reserve has purchased through open market activities.
What determines the supply of money?</h3>
The Central Bank controls the money supply through its "monetary policy," and the economy must function with that predetermined amount of money. The money supply is seen as entirely vertical because the economy has no bearing on its amount (on models).
By increasing or decreasing the monetary base, the Fed can regulate the amount of money in circulation. The amount of money in circulation plus the deposits that depository institutions have with the Federal Reserve make up the monetary base, which is correlated with the size of the Fed's balance sheet.
Learn more about The Supply of Money here:
<h2>Statistics Suggest You Will Change Careers More Frequently</h2><h3>The average person will change careers 5-7 times during their working life according to career change statistics. With an ever increasing number of career choices, 30% of the workforce will now change careers or jobs every 12 months.</h3>