1) metaphase 1, metaphase 2
3) meiosis, half
4) eggs, sperms
5) mitosis, same
Option d. the application of science to solve practical problems
Three examples of marine genetically engineered organisms are:
1. AquAdvantage salmon is genetically engineered Atlantic salmon modified in order to achieve fast growth. A growth hormone-regulating gene of Pacific salmon is introduced in the genome of Atlantic salmon.
2. Grass carp was also modified by scientist in order to enhance its protection from contagious diseases. It has been modified with a transgene coding for lactoferrin (antibacterial function). So, the, survival rate of the modified Grass carp was doubled comparing to nonmodifeied fish.
3. Zebrafish is the most commonly used for modification because it has 1-cell embryo, with clear chorion so it is easy to be micro-injected with transgenic DNA.
should put on high-visibility safety vest
Based on the scenario it can be said that after parking the ambulance at a safe distance, you and your partner should put on high-visibility safety vest. These safety vests allow other safety officials know that you are there to help and are authorized to be there, as well as help individuals and drivers see you better in order to avoid another accident.
50 grams and 175 grams
Acceptable macronutrient distribution range are predetermined ranges of intake of a specific macronutrient such as Proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
It was developed to promote healthy diet in the society.
According to the AMDR, the ranges of proteins should be 10-35 percent of the calories.
But 1g contains 4 kilocalories of protein so;
200kCal/4kcal=<u>50 grams</u>
<u>35/100×2000=700 kcal of protein so; </u>
<u>700kcal÷4kcal= 175 grams </u>